Cute dark bay light cob type with a white star, green 8yo. WORKING ON SOFTNESS & GETTING RID OF HUGE BRACES FRIDAY 10.45 amThis horse can be bracy, pushes on the reins. Rider want to work on softness.
So horse walked, stopped, braced (leaned on reins), rider gave reins to the horse (pushed hands forwards).
This is all wrong because the rider just release on a brace and taught the horse to push on hands as when he does he gets a reward (loosening of the reins).
"can teach a horse to do anything by when you give them a release"
So lets change this:
When horses pushes against your hands, do not move your hands forward. Instead hold them in the same place they are. Do not pull against horse, do not give to horse, just imagine your hands are like a wooden post. They do not move.
When they tried this, horse would push head forward, head feels the bit not moving, horse does not soften and instead starts to back up. Horse is braced, not soft and has been taught this early on inadvertintly.
When humans are sitting down they will often get up unbalanced by throwing their head forwards and up first, and then their body follows (like horses being unbalanced in transitions). INstead can you get out of your chair by perparing first (maybe move to edge of seat) then standing up with yoru whole body together, not head first body after?
Horse very braced. mark backed him up half the length of the arena braced.. horse got no release when he was bracing (using muscles to stop himself moving). Now horse starts to think......
A slight turn in your horses neck will make it more difficult for him to push against your hands.
Walk now is better.
Asked for stop, horse pushed on bit, hands stayed like a wooden post, horse automatically started to backup (well it was either that or softness and horse doesnt do much softness yet), got a step of softness, horse asked to walk forward. Horse is a fast learner.......
If you can get the walk good, the trot and canter should be getting better too.
If you hold hands like a post, horse tends to get his own release when he softens his head.
Q: How would you train an andalucian horse with high head carriage?
A: Head placement doesnt matter. Softness matters. Reward when you get what you want.
When training, check if your actions are getting the results you want. If they are not, change your actions.
If there is real or perceived trauma to the horses body nervous energy gets stored (eg, split up from herd pair, whatever)
Humans often dont release this nervous energy, thats hos you can end up being a basket case at 50 (chuckles from audience).
Animals are much better at releasing this energy. They run as much as they need to until its gone and they are back to normal. Animals can hold this energy in for a period of time and then release it at a slighly later stage.
For example, mark and his wife drove 2600 miles over 48 hours with their horses. When they arrived at ranch, horses were very tired, heads down, etc. They went to put them out in a field, but didnt realise electric wire on gate was on, and duie to being earthed or not earthed (apologies to those who know about such things) of you walked through gate you get a shock. Mark lead horse though, and both got a shock. Chrissies horse stayed at other side of field gate. So mark brought horse back out again (another shock) and they put both horses in an arena instead.
Then both horses blew up and galloped around like lunatics for a few minutes, expanding the energy of the trauma and then both promptly fell asleep.
So they held their energy in while being lead from gate back to arena, then expanded it when they had a suitable moment. Until then, mark & chrissie gave them directions which they obeyed.
FRIDAY 11.50 amTrot - pulling and leaning on riders hands in trot (not good)
To solve it, hold your hands like a post and do not release the reins when your horse pulls against you.
Horse also heavy on the forehand. This is the same brace issue.
In trot, release a little WHEN THE HORSE SOFTENS and stops leanign on your hands.
As they were trotting about, horse went back to walk unexpectedly (both horse and rider quit).
Rider asked horse to trot on again. Then got 3 steps of softness!!!
End somewhere good.
Push is now less than it was at the start.
Its all about timing the release correctly.
SATURDAY 9.45 am"We love horses cos they're smart & subtle then we train them like they're stupid" (not about this horse, just in general!!)
Rider said pushing pretty much stopped.
Rider wants more activity and energy, but mark said they reason she wasnt getting it was cos she wasnt asking for it.
Wants relaxed jaw & softness too.
Watched horse going about, still bracy.
Spent a fair bit of time now backin up. Whole horse braced, from poll to tail. Using a HUGE amount of muscles against both mark & rider. Backup stuck, not flowing in any way, horse arguing the whole time. Doing a 4 beat backup (4 legs moving individually)instead of a 2 beat (correct diagonal pairs movment like in trot) backup.
When doing this dont worry about where horses head is, worry about what it feels like.
HORSE REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY BRACED. Like he's got all four feet stuck into the ground and doesn't want to move any of them.
This brace was not just in front tend of the horse. This brace was through the horses WHOLE BODY. Everywhere was stuck.
Mark remarked as he contiued backing abou the arena, waiting for softenss (it took a while!) that they weret now inside the brace.
Eventually (took a while) got softnes, and then stopped the backup.
Rest, then started to back up again, whole horses body braced, so kept backing up for a while till it started to unbrace and soften again.
Horse now actually starting to use his hindquarter a bit.
- walk on
- stop
-horse leans against bit
-backup and keep doing this till you get softness and horse stops leaning on bit
- walk on
- repeat
With yrou reins, if when you ask for backup horse stands still, spiral one rein to enourage him to move. Works better than a straight pull back.
- trot
- horse asleep
- horse went back an to unscheduled walk
- mark said TROT!!!
- then better trot
Dont let your horse control the speed!
Then more backup as he's got bracy and stuck again. If you want to ride with a weight of '2' in your reins, you might need to go up to a '4' to get it.
This horse really has a huge brace going on.
This horse was trying a fair bit, but mark remarked this has been taught to try, but not to do. so if you reward the tries in this case you'll stay at the surface of the issue.....
from the horses perspective...
-imagine a few years ago you got a new job
-you were trained up on how to do everything
-do did this job for 2 or 3 years
-the customers liiemd how you did it
-what do you makes sense to you and you believe it to be true
- now someone comes along and tell you you are doing it all wrong
Partciularly with young horses they take stuff onboard for life. If you teach a young horse something wrong, get it out ASAP.
- Trot
- Contact, hands like post
- horse now trying to find release, softness with head carraige and through body starting....
SATURDAY 12.00 noon - Horse relaxing now mentally and physically
- rider dont look at back of horses head
- soften riders arms and body
- better
- horse tired, so finished up.
SUNDAY 9.45am - stand still
- riders hands like a wooden post
- horses pushes and bumps into bit
- horse backs himself up (riders hands stay still till horses finds his own release)
Trot MUCH better than yesterday
Do a bigger circle, horse finding turns a littl etricky, a bit unbalanced.
Don't look at the back of horse's head!
Did 9 (YES NINE!!!!!) strides of soft trot. AMAZING difference in this horse today. Then gave him a looser rein in trot, then asked again for another 9 steps. ;D
Next goal - look for better quality of movement.
When you pass the gate, think speed, direction, destination.
Rider to do 2 laps of arena at the speed SHE wants.
Good trot to halt
Its harder to get a horse going than it is to keep a horse going. Its like if you've got a bowl of sweets and your kids come in for dinner. If you wait until they over besid ethe bowl with their hands in it, then they are probably going to eat a few sweets before dinner. Instead, if as they come in the door you shout out... ok, dont even bother going near that bowl your dinner is ready now first... then they will probably just walk straigth past the bowl.
Give your directions as much as possible at the thought stage, then its much easier to redirect to wherever to want to go.
Being the leader means giving the horse speed, direction and destination.
Mark told a story about 3 germans in a car travelling to the clinic. the drive was in charge of speed, the front passenger the direction and the back passenger the direction. This was all working really well until both passengers got car sick. So then all they were left with was the speed............
SUNDAY 12.50am MUCH better walk and trot.
Horse now was an easy stride in trot.
This is like a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT horse.
When horse softens his jaw. dont keep pulling. Relax.
Rider did this then got a nicer trot with more life in it. Cool!!
amazing the difference over three days.........